Papers Under Review

  • Bischoff, P., Lienkamp, B., Rambha, T., and Schiffer, M., Dynamic capacity allocation of hybrid transportation units for cargo-hitching in urban public transportation systems. [PDF]

  • Agarwal, P., Bagchi, D., Rambha, T., and Pandey, V., A bi-criterion Steiner traveling salesperson problem with time windows for last-mile electric vehicle logistics. [PDF] [Code]

  • Kushwaha, V., Pinjari, A. R., Rambha, T., Shaukat, S. K., Sundaresan, R., and Verma, P., A city-scale framework to evaluate the benefits of collaboration between ride-hailing and transit service providers for first- and last-mile services.

Journal Publications

  • Nath, R. B., Rambha, T., and Schiffer, M., On the impact of co-optimizing station locations, trip assignment, and charging schedules for electric buses. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 167, p.104839. [PDF] [Code]

  • Agarwal, P. and Rambha, T., 2024. Scalable Algorithms for Bicriterion Trip-Based Transit Routing. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 163, pp. 1 - 15. [PDF] [Code]

  • Bhatnagar, S., Rambha, T., and Ramadurai, G., 2024. An agent-based fleet management model for first- and last-mile services. Transportation, 51(3), pp.987-1013. [PDF] [Code]

  • Deepa, L., Pinjari, A. R., Nirmale, S. K., Srinivasan, K. K, and Rambha, T., 2022. A direct demand model for bus transit ridership in Bengaluru, India. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 163, pp.126-147. (Winner: 6th CTRG Best Paper Award)

  • Anyidoho, P. Davidson, R. A., Rambha, T., and Nozick, L. K., 2022. Prediction of Population Behavior in Hurricane Evacuations. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 159, pp.200-221.

  • Rambha, T., Nozick, L.K., and Davidson, R., 2021. Modeling Hurricane Evacuation Behavior using a Dynamic Discrete Choice Framework. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 150, pp.75-100. [PDF]

  • Rambha, T., Nozick, L.K., Davidson, R., Yi, W. and Yang, K., 2021. A stochastic optimization model for staged hospital evacuation during hurricanes. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 151, p.102321. [PDF]

  • Simmhan, Y., Rambha, T., Khochare, A., Ramesh, S., Baranawal, A., George, J.V., Bhope, R.A., Namtirtha, A., Sundararajan, A., Bhargav, S.S. and Thakkar, N., 2020. GoCoronaGo: Privacy Respecting Contact Tracing for COVID-19 Management. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, pp.1-24. [PDF]

  • Nath, R.B. and Rambha, T., 2019. Modelling Methods for Planning and Operation of Bike-Sharing Systems. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 99(4), pp.621-645. [PDF]

  • Rambha, T., Boyles, S.D., Unnikrishnan, A., and Stone, P., 2018. Marginal cost pricing for system optimal traffic assignment with recourse under supply-side uncertainty. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 110, pp.104-121. [PDF]

  • Sharon, G., Levin, M.W., Hanna, J.P., Rambha, T., Boyles, S.D., and Stone, P., 2017. Network-wide adaptive tolling for connected and automated vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 84, pp.142-157. [PDF]

  • Rambha, T., Boyles, S.D., and Waller, S.T., 2016. Adaptive transit routing in stochastic time-dependent networks. Transportation Science, 50(3), pp.1043-1059. [PDF]

  • Rambha, T. and Boyles, S.D., 2016. Dynamic pricing in discrete time stochastic day-to-day route choice models. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 92, pp.104-118. [PDF]

  • Boyles, S.D. and Rambha, T., 2016. A note on detecting unbounded instances of the online shortest path problem. Networks, 67(4), pp.270-276. [PDF]

  • Tang, S., Rambha, T., Hatridge, R., Boyles, S.D. and Unnikrishnan, A., 2014. Modeling parking search on a network by using stochastic shortest paths with history dependence. Transportation Research Record, 2467(1), pp.73-79. (Winner: The Fred Burggraf Best Paper Award; Special mention: The Stella Dafermos Best Paper Award) [PDF]

  • Boyles, S.D., Rambha, T. and Xie, C., 2014. Equilibrium analysis of low-conflict network designs. Transportation Research Record, 2467(1), pp.129-139. [PDF]

Technical Reports

  • Pandey, V., T. Rambha, and N. Singh. (2021) Imitating a Variant of the Traveling Salesman Problem. Technical Proceedings of the Amazon Last Mile Routing Research Challenge.

  • Boyles, S. D., C. M. Walton, J. Duthie, E. Jafari, N. Jiang, A. Khani, J. Li, J. Osorio, V. Pandey, T. Rambha, and C. Yahia. (2018) A Planning Tool for Active Traffic Management Combining Microsimulation and Dynamic Traffic Assignment. Texas Department of Transportation report FHWA/TX-17/0-6859-1. [PDF]

  • Boyles, S. D., C. Melson, T. Rambha, and J. Duthie. (2014) Game-Theoretic Analysis of Dynamic Traffic Equilibria. Southwest Region University Transportation Center report SWUTC/14/600451-00079-1. [PDF]

  • Rambha, T., and S. D. Boyles. (2013) Game Theory and Traffic Assignment. Southwest Region University Transportation Center report SWUTC/13/600451-00065-1. [PDF]

  • Duthie, J. C,. Nezamuddin, N. Ruiz-Juri, T. Rambha, C. Melson, C. M. Pool, S. D. Boyles, S. T. Waller, and R. Kumar. (2013) Investigating Regional Dynamic Traffic Assignment Modeling for Improved Bottleneck Analysis. Texas Department of Transportation report FHWA/TX-13/0-6657-1. [PDF]

Book Chapters

  • Rambha, T., Jafari, E. and Boyles, S.D., 2019. Transportation network issues in evacuations. In New Media in Times of Crisis (pp. 144-173). Routledge.

Selected Conference Papers

  • Goswami, S., Tallapragada, P., and T. Rambha. (2021) Optimal Supply Control for Shared Mobility with Logit Mode-Choice Dynamics. IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), Indianapolis, US. [PDF]

  • Sharon, G., M. Albert, T. Rambha, S. D. Boyles, and P. Stone. (2018) Traffic Optimization for a Mixture of Self-interested and Compliant Agents. In the Proceedings of the 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18), New Orleans, US. [PDF]

  • Sharon, G., J. P. Hanna, T. Rambha, M. W. Levin, M. Albert, S. D. Boyles, and P. Stone. (2017) Real-time adaptive tolling scheme for optimized social welfare in traffic networks. 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2017), Sao Paulo, Brazil. [PDF]


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