Tarun Rambha
Assistant Professor
Hi! I am an Assistant Professor in the Centre for infrastructure, Sustainable Transportation and Urban Planning at Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bengaluru. I lead the Transportation Networks Lab and my research primarily focuses on optimization of mobility systems.
I received my bachelor's degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras and my MS and PhD degrees from The University of Texas at Austin. Prior to joining IISc, I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Cornell University. My work at UT Austin focused on network equilibrium, congestion pricing, and adaptive routing in stochastic transit and traffic networks. At Cornell University, I worked on stochastic optimization models for hospital evacuations and demand estimation during hurricanes. My current research focuses on public transportation, electric mobility, logistics, and smart parking systems. I have also had short visiting stints at the Indian School of Business (ISB) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in the recent past.
Current Research Interests
My current research interests is on the themes of public transportation, electric mobility, logistics, and smart parking systems. Our group has been working on transit problems related to multi-criteria routing algorithms, transit route assignment (ridership prediction), multimodal network equilibria, vehicle scheduling, and electric bus fleet management. In the area of logistics, we are currently looking at eco-routing for electric trucks and optimization models for drone-assisted deliveries. For smart parking systems, we are currently designing parking lots using mixed integer programs and driving simulator experiments to understand driver behaviour during parking search.
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – Aug 2016
Dissertation Title: Dynamic Congestion Pricing in Within-Day and Day-to-Day Network Equilibrium Models
Advisor: Stephen Boyles
- Master of Science (MS) – Aug 2012
Thesis Title: Adaptive Routing in Schedule Based Stochastic Time-Dependent Transit Networks
(Winner: CUTC Milton Pikarsky Award for Outstanding MS Thesis in Science and Technology)
Advisor: Stephen Boyles and Travis Waller
- Bachelor of Technology (BTech) – May 2010
Thesis Title: Algorithms for Multiclass Equilibrium & Time Dependent Shortest Paths
Advisor: Karthik Srinivasan