A Training Program on Traffic Systems Modelling and Simulation
June 21-22, 2018
Venue: CiSTUP, IISc
Program Overview
Many cities in India and across the world have witnessed alarming traffic growths in the past few decades leading to the most critical problem of congestion. Given the influence of road transportation on the nation’s development, especially in developing nations like India, the rise in congestion has propagated several detrimental effects such as low economic growth, inefficient mobility, high accident rates, and serious health and environmental related problems. It is for this very reason that traffic congestion has become the single most concern for road transportation planners and operators, and researchers of late. It is also now widely accepted in different transportation-related stakeholder circles that increasing roadway capacity is not a viable solution to the congestion problem, both from feasibility as well as economic standpoints. Thus, a better way to address the congestion problem is to improve the utilization of the existing systems through better traffic management and operations. It is also believed all across the world that operational management is the second-most effective strategy for containing congestion, only next to public transportation. To arrive at efficient operational and management solutions, the number of strategies that need to be tested may be large and moreover, field testing would be prohibitively expensive. Thus, microscopic traffic simulators which emulate the complex real-world traffic phenomena and provide a virtual testing platform have become the most sought after tools for design and evaluation of traffic operational strategies. Several microscopic traffic simulators (AIMSUN, PARAMICS, VISSIM, MITSIM, etc.) have been developed in the recent past among which, VISSIM is the most widely used one. This workshop aims at providing fundamentals of traffic systems modelling and simulation, and hands-on training in VISSIM to the students and faculty from academia and, practitioners from various public and private sectors. Students at Masters and PhD levels, and academicians and practitioners with a basic background in traffic engineering would get benefitted from attending this program.
The first day's lectures will focus on modelling aspects of driving behaviours, principles of isolated and coordinated signal design, and the fundamentals of traffic simulation. The second day is dedicated to building simulation models of various traffic facilities (uninterrupted and interrupted) and, scripting using COM interface in VISSIM. These would be hands-on training sessions. For more details, please see the course content. At the end of the course, the participants will be able to independently build basic simulation models in VISSIM and perform common evaluations.

Dr. Caleb Ronald Munigety is currently working as a lead researcher in the area of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) at the Corporate Research division of Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions (RBEI) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India. His research interests include driver behavior modeling, traffic micro-simulation, traffic data extraction algorithms, and modeling connected, autonomous, and electrified vehicles. Dr. Caleb has a Ph.D. in Transportation Systems Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
The participants are required to register for this training program. The registration fee for students is Rs. 1000. For academicians and practitioners, the registration fee is Rs. 3000. The fee may be paid online. All credit and debit cards, and e-wallets are acceptable. Alternatively, the payment can be made using online banking. After making the online payment, please register here. The last date for paying the fee and registering is June 20, 2018. A maximum of 40 registrations will be considered (due to the capacity limitation of the venue) on a first-come first-served basis, with at least 15 registrations for the stakeholders of CiSTUP and up to 25 registrations from elsewhere.
There is no registration fee for the stakeholders of CiSTUP. However, registration is a must. Stakeholders of CiSTUP, please register here.
Once the registration limit of 40 is reached, no more registrations will be allowed. Please also note that, there would be no refund of registration fee upon cancellation. The registration fee includes working lunch and a couple of tea breaks on the days of training. Participants are required to arrange their own accommodation. Students participants must bring their college ID.
NOTE: All the participants must bring their own laptops.
Venue & Contact
CiSTUP Conference Room
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
CiSTUP, Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore - 560012, INDIA
Email: office.cistup@iisc.ac.in
Phone: +91-80-2293-2521/2043
Fax: +91-80-23468207