About the New MTech Program in Smart Mobility and Logistics Systems

Starting August 2025, CiSTUP will be anchoring an MTech program in Smart Mobility and Logistics Systems. Mobility and logistics systems are large-scale, interconnected socio-technical systems that often interact with various domains, such as energy, healthcare, and extreme events. Most MTech programs are, however, in uni-disciplinary departments, and UG programs typically do not focus on mobility and logistics systems.

The proposed MTech program aims to prepare graduates to address the complexities of modern transportation through multidisciplinary coursework, industry-relevant skills, and technology exposure. The program is designed to equip graduates with knowledge and skills essential for various industries working in

Prospective students interested to know more about the program can also attend a webinar on March 15 at 3:00 PM using the MS Teams Link

Participating Departments

This is an interdisciplinary program anchored in CiSTUP with participating faculty and courses from the following divisions:

Other Related Programs

IISc also offers other MTech programs related to mobility/transportation with different focuses. Prospective students can check out more details of these programs using the following websites: