
Prof. Abdul Rawoof Pinjari

Professor, CiSTUP and Department of Civil Engineering

Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin

Research Interests: Travel Demand Analysis, Econometric Choice Modelling,

Travel Behaviour, Public Transport, Integrated Land-use & Transport Modelling


Dr. Tarun Rambha

Assistant Professor, CiSTUP and Department of Civil Engineering

Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin

Research Interests: Network Optimization, Traffic Equilibrium,

Congestion Pricing, Shared ride and Transit Systems.


Dr. Punit Rathore

Assistant Professor, CiSTUP and Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber-Physical Systems (RBCCPS)

Ph.D., The University of Melbourne, Australia

Research Interests: Big Data Analytics, Unsupervised Learning, Streaming Data Analysis,

Spatio-temporal data mining, Knowledge Discovery and Data mining, Wireless Sensor Networks,

Urban Sensing and Analytics, Data Driven Analysis for Transportation Systems,

Explainable algorithms for smart city, social media, healthcare, and IoT applications.


Prof. Vijay Gopal Kovvali

Research Professor, CiSTUP

Ph.D., Texas A&M University at College Station

Research Interests: Intelligent Transportation Systems, Traffic Engineering, Road Safety

Public Transport Systems, Road User Behaviours.